How we run our business.
RSC is extremely thankful for your faith in us, and we will strive to continue creating optimal experiences and positive outcomes for the individuals we both serve.
We operate under the principles and guidelines of Therapeutic Recreation, and our curriculum is overseen and directed by our CTRS, Latina Ferrer. The recent addition of Creative Art and Music classes has grown our business dramatically, and our upcoming expansion into afternoon and weekend classes, as well as Special Events will further broaden our offerings.
We think this is a good moment to review with you the way we operate, and review guidelines and expectations on both sides in order to maximize the experience and maintain a safe environment for participants and instructors.
All our programs are currently held at House of Sports (HOS), with whom we have formed a strategic partnership. They have been exceptionally generous to us in their offers of space and cost. HOS is ADA compliant, with elevators, and with bathrooms and AED’s and Wheelchair access on every floor.
There are a few things that will ensure a safe, secure and healthy environment for everyone.
Insurance and personal safety.
Our insurance is on file with HOS and any other facility we utilize.
We ask Day Agencies to make RSC Westchester an additional insured on their policy
For our Day Agency programs we do not ask for, nor maintain any data on participants as agency staff are always present and assisting and are the primary guardian.
For our Residential Programs (after 3pm weekdays and on weekends), we may temporarily become the primary guardian, and our agreement with HOS requires us to maintain parent/guardian contact information and basic diagnosis data on every participant, for everyone’s safety and security.
All our instructors have current background checks and current professional insurance on file with us.
Classes and procedures.
Each class lasts around 55 minutes and we place a maximum number of participants in class only to ensure that the instructors are able to give everyone effective attention.
For Day Agencies our agreement with HOS requires a staff/participant ratio of 1-5 present at all times, with the instructor counting as one staff for this purpose. If the ratio is above 1-5 the instructor will ask for more staff. If the ratio stays below 1-5 the instructor will stop the class. We leave it up to the agencies as to how they assign staff to assist during class.
For Residential classes we will have one lead instructor and one assistant, and as many volunteers as possible. Parents/Guardians may assist where appropriate.
The best outcomes are when staff and instructors work together to encourage, motivate and model behavior expected from participants. We ask for Staff or Parent/Guradian assistance to allow the instructor to teach and focus on leading the class. We prefer that Staff or parent/guardian NOT participate in the class unless the lead instructor feels it is appropriate
Although we are all familiar with this population, instructors may not know specified behaviors or be equipped to deal with them. Having Staff or Parent/Guardian assist participants in following instruction and/or in redirection helps decrease the opportunity for mishaps that may cause harm and/or injury.
Independent individuals who come to HOS are asked to stay on the same floor as the activity that is being run.
Incidents and behaviors.
We recognize that there will be incidents, and, on rare occasions, emergency situations an/or inappropriate behaviors. For any serious event, lead instructors will determine whether to stop the class or not, based on their best judgement.
For day agencies we will provide an incident report to an agency supervisor when we observe any incident, and on site staff ask us to do so. We will also report to an agency supervisor any events/behaviors of individuals or staff that our instructors consider inappropriate and not dealt with. We will only contact the Justice Center directly iif we believe the incident or behavior has not received an appropriate response from the agency.
For Residential programs it is the same as above, but as we may sometimes temporarily become the Primary Guardian during these classes, Instructors will seek out the parent/guardian at the end of class and always provide an an incident report to the Primary Guardian. We will only contact the Justice Center for the most serious behavior or if we feel the incident or behavior will not receive an appropriate response.
House of Sports has been an amazingly supportive partner and advocate on behalf of the special needs community. We ask that when entering and exiting HOS, staff be mindful that this is an open and inclusive space with other patrons and we need to respect others in the same space. Our staff is available and more than willing to assist if or when necessary.
We have negotiated for the cafeteira to be available for lunch for staff before or after class. Please be advised that this needs to be booked with RSC, and is not a random drop in spot. We request the area be cleared of trash and food items before leaving..
There may be emergency situations in the bathrooms or around the facility. We ask that staff or Parent/Guardian make an effort to clean the area when possible. If it is not possible to effectively clean the area please let one of the RSC staff/instructors know prior to leaving the building, so that janitorial staff can be notified.
We know this is rather wordy, but we feel this will help us understand each other and provide the best platform for safe and secure classes where we can provide optimal experiences and positive outcomes.
If you have any comments or suggestions please let us know, as we all learn and grow together.